További filmek

Elátkozott arany (1993) online film



In modern-day Jerusalem, an Arab boy and a beautiful American tourist are accidentally entrusted with a priceless coin from the age of King Herod. Soon the two are falling in love and running for their lives from Emil Saber, a man obsessed with possessing the fabled coin at any cost.


Színész Alakított személy
John Rhys-Davies Captain Galil
Peter O'Toole Emil Saber
Kay E. Kuter Professor Walker
Ally Walker Lisa
Alexandra Powers Ronnie
Whitman Mayo Coin Shop Owner
Gilat Ankori Ms. Weingarten
Navin Chowdhry Salim
Jill Novick Brenda
Arieh Elias Fouad Zouabi
Nicholas Kallsen Sammy
Mark Nelson Librarian

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