További filmek

Apocalyptic (2014) online film



Journalist Jodie Black (Jane Elizabeth Barry), and her camera man, Kevin Horner (Geoff Pinfield) hear about the possible existence of a doomsday cult called the Bytherainians, in forests of Australia and decide to investigate and uncover the truth behind their mysterious leader, Michael Godson (David Macrae).


Színész Alakított személy
Jane Elizabeth Barry Jodie Black
David Macrae Michael Godson
Geoff Pinfield Kevin Horner
Tom McCathie Presley
Rachel Torrance Samara
Felicity Steel Elowen
Ashleigh Gregory Amy
Zoe Imms Gray
Janice Paull Ruth
Natalia Nespeca Veronica
Donna Cleverley Amber
Nalini Vasudevan Neve

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