További filmek

Az ördög fája (2018) online film



Devil's Tree: Rooted Evil is about an aspiring journalist named Sam who finds a Tree with a very dark history. As her own past has demons that continue to haunt her, she eventually finds out what haunts this ominous Tree. Loosely based on real events, the actual Tree still stands today. This film takes you on a ride out of the realm of fantasy and into the realm of true Evil.


Színész Alakított személy
Maddy Curley Samantha
Michael Ray Davis Officer John Harris
Roberto Escobar Ranger Michael
Diana D. Ambrosio Gloria
Ryan App Young Sam
Chris Caputo Man in Woods
Dan Crisafulli Gerard Schaeffer
Marc Durso College Professor
Logan Gambill Benjamin
Nicholas Garofola Boyfriend
Nicoletta Hanssen Female Victim #2
Eddie Kaulukukui Rob

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